The business and innovation fair in Brazil’s fastest growing region

Held in Espírito Santo, a state recognized nationally as an important center for development of the metalworking sector and with large investments planned in the areas of P&G, steel, mining, pulp and naval, the fair brings together a qualified public in search of the most modern in news, networking and business with suppliers and industries.

The MEC SHOW – Metalmechanics and Industrial Innovation Fair, is considered one of the main fairs of the metalmechanical sector and brings the latest trends and cutting-edge technology to the industry, attracting high-decision professionals and purchasing managers of the large industrial plants of Espírito Santo. Santo (ArcelorMittal, Jurong Aracruz Shipyard, Suzano, Petrobrás and Vale).

In addition to the launches and solutions presented by the exhibitors, the MEC SHOW fair has a rich grid of technical programs and events held throughout the year to publicize business opportunities in the region.

Get to know MEC SHOW




National and international brands

10,000 m²

Exhibition Area


Hours of technical content

Events Sectors


Largest pelletizing complex


Largest national producer of steel plates


Reference in cellulose production


2nd largest oil reserve in Brazil


2nd largest national gas producer


The most modern shipyard in Brazil

Various segments and industries are present at MEC SHOW:

  • Companies dedicated to the hiring and marketing of industrial sector products and services;
  • Suppliers of inputs, machines, equipment and tools;
  • Buyers of the naval, oil and gas, pulp and paper, steel, metallurgical, mining, machining, chemical / petrochemical, port, engineering, civil construction, furniture;
  • Consumer goods, food and beverages, plastics / packaging, electronics, textiles, among others;
  • Government entities and agencies for development, education, sustainable development and support. 

Business opportunities, networking and lots of content, give exhibitors and visitors solid contacts.


  • Celso Delocco
    A Feira tem uma proporção muito boa em nossos negócios pela quantidade de clientes que passam por aqui. Já participamos há seis anos e o evento é sempre muito importante para gerar network com novos clientes além de reafirmar o compromisso com os atuais.
    Celso Delocco
    Diretor Comercial na Fluidvix Automação Industrial – Distribuidor SMC®
  • Caio Tappiz
    A Mec Show para nós é um grande divisor de águas, consideramos o evento mais importante do Espírito Santo, onde aproveitamos para fazer o grande lançamento de nossos produtos e aproximar o relacionamento com os clientes, além de ser muito bom para novos networks.
    Caio Tappiz
    z Gerente Territorial de Vendas RJ / ES na Fluke do Brasil
  • Luis Soares Cordeiro
    O evento tem uma importância especial para a empresa, pois participamos de todas as edições e acredito que estaremos sempre presentes. A Mec Show é uma grande oportunidade de relacionamentos, conseguimos ver clientes que não conseguimos ver ao longo do ano e isso planta sementes que darão frutos para novos negócios.
    Luis Soares Cordeiro
    Diretor Presidente na Estel Serviços Industriais

Welcome to another MEC SHOW!

Visit, participate and enjoy!

SINDIFER and CDMEC, together with VeronaFiere Group’s Milanez & Milaneze, work together to provide exhibitors and visitors with solid contacts that will result in growth and new business.

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